Corporate Meeting Planning, Conferences & More

Are you a busy business owner or executive responsible for your firm’s annual group outing? Do you need expedited access to event resources or fresh ideas to invigorate routine internal or external business-related events? An event partnership with Michigan Avenue Events will bring innovative ideas to bring you polish, save you time and money while planning your next meeting or event experience. We have the capacity to coordinate these details from connecting you to the best speakers and event venues, to planning food and beverage, securing rentals, marketing giveaways, as well as arranging attractive print materials, securing audio-visual equipment, to managing on-site guest registration.

We provide customized planning and management within your budget and are dedicated to your brand. Our detailed approach keeps you on task, puts time in your back into your schedule so that you prepare for and be present on event day. Our services have been utilized by local to international brands. We have planned a variety of brand and product launches, hybrid networking events bringing the fun and creativity back to your team.